- 2024.06.26NEWS
Keitaro Kusunoki was appointed as Outside Director (and Audit and Supervisory Board Member) of FP Corporation (7947 TYO).
- 2024.04.23NEWS
Keitaro Kusunoki contributed to the World Bank Group’s website "Benchmarking Infrastructure Development".
楠啓太郎弁護士が調査に関わった、世界銀行グループのウェブサイト"Benchmarking Infrastructure Development"が公表されました。
- 2020.12.01NEWS
Yuko Nakamura joined the firm as Counsel.
- 2020.07.21NEWS
Masachika Sawano published an article "Corporate Practice of Filing of a Demand for Disclosure of Online Senders' Identification Information" in the online journal of the Japan In-House Lawyers Association (JILA).
- 2018.11.20NEWS
Our firm name has been changed from Kusunoki & Iwasaki to Kusunoki, Iwasaki & Sawano.
- 2018.11.20NEWS
Masachika Sawano joined the firm as Partner.
- 2018.04.06NEWS
Keitaro Kusunoki contributed to the World Bank Group’s report "Procuring Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships 2018".
楠啓太郎弁護士が調査に関わった、世界銀行グループのレポート"Procuring Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships 2018"が公表されました。
- 2016.08.13NEWS
Keitaro Kusunoki spoke at a session titled “TPP and OBOR initiatives and their impact on foreign direct investment in Asia” of the 29th LAWASIA Conference (Colombo, Sri Lanka).
楠啓太郎弁護士が、コロンボ(スリランカ)で開かれたアジア太平洋法律協会(LAWASIA)の第29回カンファレンスにおいて、”TPP and OBOR initiatives and their impact on foreign direct investment in Asia”と題するセッションのスピーカーを務めました。